Sea Trek
Seatrek BVI provides marine biology summer camps and their online store contains dive gear, seatrek apparel and other knickknacks and items including, everything from food to additional types of gear that one could use for diving or camping. - InfoFAQ Editorial Staff
Sea Trek Company Profile

Company Name: SeaTrek BVI
Original DBA: SeaTrek BVI
Business Owner: Corporation
Headquarters: 7092 River Rd. Flushing Michigan 48433
Business Address: 7092 River Rd. Flushing Michigan 48433
Business Phone Number: (810) 487-1616
Business Fax Number: (810) 487-1633
Toll Free Phone Number: 877-467-2454
Company E-mail:
Year Founded: 2000
Years in Profession: Over 27
Company Founder: Ralph Monkdaniel
Completed InfoFAQ Exclusive Interview:
InfoFAQ Exclusive Interview: "Marine Biology Summer Camps"
Company Information: Sea Trek Information
Website: Sea Trek Website
Payment Methods:
Merchant Category: Summer Camps at Sea, Marine Biology Summer Camps
Main Products and Services: Summer Camp at Sea Program
Company Description: Small family focused program, very personable, dedicated to the kids. We run 4 boats in british virgin islands, one boat program that runs in bahamas, One boat program that runs in hawaii. Offer education in scuba diving, sailing, marine science, for junior high, highschool and college age participants. -Sea Trek BVI
Website Description: Seatrek BVI provides marine biology summer camps and their online store contains dive gear, seatrek apparel and other knickknacks and items including, everything from food to additional types of gear that one could use for diving or camping. - InfoFAQ Editorial Staff
Company History: Started out in 2000, my wife and I and a couple volunteers had one boat, 17 kids, last year we had 6 boats total spread out in 3 locations and 174 kids total in all three locations. -Sea Trek BVI
Quote from the Owner: "Safety Through Education" - Sea Trek BVI
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Professional Memberships and Affiliations for Sea Trek
InfoFAQ Expert Merchant
National Association of Underwater Instructors, Professional Association of Diving Instructors, American Sailing Association, Scuba Divers International, Technical Divers International, Divers Alert Network, Scuba Schools International.
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