Royal Admiral
Royal Admiral Company Profile

Company Name:
Royal Admiral
Original DBA Name:
Royal Admiral
In Business Since: 1998
Business Owner: Leonard
Years in Profession: 9 Years
Business Email:
Business Phone:
Business Address: 1551 Third
Ave., #1201 San Diego, CA 92112
Completed FAQ Shopping Interview:
InfoFAQ Exclusive Interview:
"Nautical Gifts"
Information: Royal Admiral Information
Royal Admiral Website
Store URL:
Royal Admiral
Online Store and Provider:
ProStores by
Customer Service:
Online Store Design:
Payment Methods:
Visa, MasterCard
Most Popular Products:
Anchor Plaque Letter Opener - Comes with a full teakwood
plaque, brass fittings, and nautical knots. It includes a silver
letter opener in the shape of an anchor and a free supply of blades
for life. A message is written on the Plaque by a calligrapher in
gold paint.
Gauges - Gauges include a Barometer, Clock, and Thermometer. Each gauge is encircled by a Life Ring or Ships Wheel.
Anchor Clock - Clock is enclosed in a Wooden Anchor. The Clock is then surrounded by a Ships Wheel
Standing Anchor Clock - Standing Anchor Clock. Enclosed in a Ships Helm.
Lighthouse Clock - A simulated light at the top surrounded by a railing. The Clock in enclosed in the attached house and all painted in blue and white.
Merchant Category: Nautical Gifts
Company Description: - "Outstanding Gifts for the Yachtsman! - Owner Leonard Colton, Royal Admiral
Royal Admiral Quote from the Owner: "The Anchor Letter Opener goes very well with his yacht!"
Verified Memberships & Affiliations
InfoFAQ Expert Merchant
Store Security through Equifax Secure Inc.
Member of Power of Parents
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that promotes solid business practices and publicizes fraud, dishonesty, etc.
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. . .
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"An expert is someone widely recognized as a reliable source of knowledge, technique, or skill whose judgment is accorded authority and status by the public or their peers." -Webster'sIf you would like to add your expertise in this field and be added to our program please fill out our online verification form.
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The business and its owner and all information below has been reviewed and verified by our InfoFAQ staff. All information is supplied by the business owner and then cross referenced and checked by InfoFAQ. Questions and Answer Interviews were performed by staff at InfoFAQ.