Molly's Fund Fighting Lupus
Molly's Fund Organization Profile

Organization Name: Molly's Fund Fighting Lupus
Original DBA Name: Molly's Fund Fighting Lupus
Business Owner: Molly McCabe
Founder: Molly McCabe
In Business Since: 2007
Years in Profession: 11 Years
Organization Address: 10117 SE Sunnyside Rd. Suite F 408, Clackamas, OR 97015
Organization Phone: (503) 775-3497
Fax: (503) 775-5365
Contact Email:
Completed InfoFAQ Exclusive Interview: 5/2/2010
InfoFAQ Exclusive Interview: "Medical Organizer System"
Organization Information: Molly's Fund Information
Board of Directors: Molly's Fund Board of Directors
Website: Molly's Fund Website
Business Member Bio: Molly's Medical Organizer
Organization Category: Fighting Lupus
Main Products and Services: Fighting Lupus, Med Minder Medical Organizer, Annual Event
Organization Description: Molly's Fund Fighting Lupus is determined to educate the public and the medical community about lupus, to push for earlier, life-saving diagnoses for those afflicted, and to spur governments and foundations to fund research toward a cure. - Molly McCabe
Vision and Focus: Molly's Fund Fighting Lupus helps those affected by the disease Lupus by providing local doctor referrals, online support groups, medical organizer tools, and ongoing advocacy and awareness building. Molly's Fund Fighting Lupus is a viable, highly recognized and respected foundation that is changing the way the medical community, pharmaceutical companies, those impacted by lupus, and the general public understand the disease, its diagnosis and its treatment. - Molly McCabe
Quote from the Founder: "In early 2005, I was 28 years old and just beginning to break into a career as an opera singer. I had received contracts for three main stage productions, a culmination of ten years of work toward my goal of making opera my life's work. Then Lupus struck ending the life I had worked so hard for. I now stand with friends and family in a fight to help others, like me, deal with their fight against lupus!." - Molly McCabe
History: Molly's mother, Debbie McCabe, has been involved in the philanthropic community for many years. After Molly was diagnosed with lupus, she approached her friends, family and colleagues and asked them to join her in the fight against lupus. Together, they formed the nonāprofit organization "Molly's Fund Fighting Lupus" in 2007. - Molly McCabe
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