Question: What Types Of Companies Need Bulk Diesel Fuel Services?
Answer: Any business which operate diesel equipment from generators, to loaders, even trucks driving over the roads; there's a whole host of stuff that that runs on diesel. Typically, this equipment is not conveniently located near refueling infrastructure so it's our business to provide diesel fuel to these types of businesses and operators. One example of recurring seasonal customers that we serve are refrigerated trailers—there are all kinds of grocery stores that bring in refrigerated trailers to store extra holiday foods because they don't have enough storage space to hold everything for the busy holiday seasons. There are also many different buildings with backup generators that we fuel as well. Anytime there is a power outage or something goes wrong, those backup generators turn on and shortly after that they will call us to come out and replenish the diesel supply for their next usage.
Categories: Fueling Services Diesel Fuel View All Questions