Questions and Answers

with Business Owners and Companies

Question: What Types Of Businesses Would Benefit Most From Outsourcing Their IT Services?

Answer: Almost any company can save money by having a company such as Cooperative Systems manage their IT. This is because they would no longer need their own full-time IT staff which can be really expensive. Many businesses with 50-75 users on their network often feel like they need a full-time IT person; after calculating benefits and salary that person would probably cost around $70,000-100,000. For the same services that a full-time IT person would provide, CoopSys can offer to manage those IT services for about half of the expense. You no longer have to worry about vacations, sick days, or a lack of expertise in any IT field because we take care of it all, all the time.

We can also help larger companies by working with their IT department and taking pieces off their hands to manage them ourselves. For example, we'll take their backup services and put it all securely on the cloud so they no longer have to manage it constantly. We can also manage their phone systems which are usually falling apart. In that scenario we would put in a completely new phone system and fully manage it for the client so isn't a burden for their internal IT department. Many businesses are concerned with their security, and we also manage that with our partners 24/7.

Answered by: Cooperative Systems

Categories:  Managed IT Services  Information Technology  IT Support  Network Security  

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Cooperative Systems - Managed IT Services and Support