Questions and Answers

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Question: What Are The Best Fishing Spots In Galveston?

Answer: The best fishing spots in Galveston for inshore fishing are often places that offer a combination of structure, protection from tides/currents, and change in water depth.

These factors provide a safe place for small bait fish to hide and escape strong currents. Bait fish often attract the larger fish we are looking to catch as well. Depending on the depth and tidal flow, some spots may be more or less productive for certain fish.

Offshore fishing spots are almost all based on structure and water depth. Some fish prefer to be in certain depths of water, but structure is critical to finding fish. We fish a huge variety of rocks, wrecks, reefs, live bottoms, and other structures on our trips.

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Answered by: Galveston Sea Ventures

Categories:  Fishing        

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 Galveston Sea Ventures