Questions and Answers

with Business Owners and Companies

Question: How Did Cooperative Systems Get Started?

Answer: We started setting up SMTP gateways and email systems. Shortly after that came high-speed internet connections so people could browse the web instead of using dial-up. At that point businesses wanted to take all of their computers and funnel them through a central device connected to the network switch--that's essentially a router.

We also began offering server setups where we would install, manage, and support client servers. Most everything we did early on was network support. We would sell and install both hardware and software, but our primary business was always the network; we sold the rest of the pieces but that was never our main focus.

With new technologies we continued to grow and expand our managed service offerings. We really improved when monitoring technology came on the scene, because we could provide constant and instant support.

Answered by: Cooperative Systems

Categories:  Managed IT Services  Information Technology  IT Support  Network Security  

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Cooperative Systems - Managed IT Services and Support