Main Products and Services: Patient and Staff safety products designed to Reduce Medication Errors, Wrong-Site Surgery, Sharps Injuries, Back Injuries, and Slips, Trips and Falls. - Ansell Sandel Medical
Company Description: "Sandel Medical Industries is committed to providing innovative products that address safety issues for patients and healthcare staff." - Ansell Sandel Medical
Company History: Sandel Medical Industries history represents a story of successful innovation of Patient and Staff Safety Products. Founded in 2002, the company was built on the following principles:
1. To seek out unresolved safety issues in the Operating Room as defined by perioperative nurses and healthcare professionals; and
2. To develop and manufacture practical "Problem-Solving" products that address Patient and Staff Safety.
"From a modest beginning when Sandel's total line consisted of only two new and innovative products in 2002, we now manufacture and market over 100 products that were previously unavailable to the industry. Sandel is able to address now provides safety solutions to hospitals and surgery centers everywhere." - Ansell Sandel Medical
Quote From the Owner: "At Sandel we're as dedicated to your safety as we are to the safety of your patients. One without the other just isn't enough." - Dan Sandel, Consultant