Main Products and Services: Furniture, sofas, loveseats, chairs, ottomans, outdoor furniture, tables, bedding, rugs, mirrors, lighting, blankets, accessories, dining tables and chairs, and more.
Company Description: angelo:HOME offers unique, affordable furniture pieces with timeless, classic style, designed by lifestyle expert and television personality Angelo Surmelis - angelo:HOME
Website Description: The official website for designer, lifestyle expert and television personality Angelo Surmelis and his affordable home furniture products at angelo:HOME. - InfoFAQ Editorial Staff
Company History: angelo:HOME began as a design firm that morphed into TV productions, and quickly became a lifestyle destination that is now focused on all things designed for the home. - angelo:HOME
Quote from the Owner: "I truly believe that the way you feel about your home and your space, can change your life! I've seen it happen to countless families across the country and I've seen it in my own life." - angelo:HOME